Toxic Hate Outbreak At Local Middle School Causes Depraved Behaviors

Heather Henry Rawlins
4 min readMar 12, 2021


A Compassionate Reimagining For A Local News Story In Plano, TX March 5, 2021

Plano, TX: Community resources are investigating an uptick in Toxic Hate symptoms at a local school district. There is an outbreak of the viral kind of Hate on a local middle school football team. Members of the team infected were allegedly so inflamed with this Toxic Hate that they engaged in depraved activities that resulted in serious damage to another human. This human is currently in the care of a loving family and community and will be able to heal from any virus he may have caught from these incidents. Community resources are encouraging this human to take all the time he needs to do the deep healing from the harm done by those infected with Toxic Hate inflammation. They are also reminding him that while he was at the harsh end of the Hate, he is at least not crippled in his humanity by the oozing Hate inflammation exhibited by the other boys.

The community has historically struggled to contain this virus and some believe there is an epidemic of untreated Toxic Hate community-wide. Many community members feel that if no one is dying from this virus it cannot be that serious. Others believe the virus of Hate is actually just a trait indicating belonging to a group which has made it historically hard to treat. What most people don’t realize is that Hate can be both inherited AND contracted, much like many forms of cancer. Smaller outbreaks in this area are common and tend to be treated superficially, if at all. Many are trying to inform the local community that Toxic Hate is an inflammation of Chronic Hate and that Chronic Hate has a degenerative effect on the health of one’s whole cardiovascular system and can cause generational Hate and Shame which is very hard but not impossible to treat. Many are also trying to inform the local community that Toxic Hate flare-ups have the potential for long-term shame and/or separation from self and others causing difficult to contain mental-health effects if not treated well. Not to mention possible future stresses and disruptions from trying to hide a past afflicted with Toxic Hate flare-ups. A community public health worker* states, “Regardless of future consequences from present day disease, it often goes undetected because so many people have it. People live with it for so long that the edgy suffering characteristic of the Hate virus seems like normal life. They don’t even question whether they could heal it and what life would be like without it. I fear people don’t pursue a cure for this because they are afraid of being outside their peer group if they find they are no longer symptomatic.”

Because the boys involved in these depraved activities from Toxic Hate inflammations are young, it is urgent that the community take this virus seriously for the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health of all involved. Resources addressing this outbreak are concerned at the level of denial about the problem as a community problem preferring to hide from both the suffering experienced by those infected with Toxic Hate and the suffering caused by those infected with it. One community member*, aware of the problem said, “It’s like we think having this virus is what makes us who we are. I try to tell people that who we are is what we love, not what we hate. And we can get better and be better. But people aren’t listening.”

Another member of the community* added, “It’s a sad thing that these boys infected each other and now are doing things they can’t undo. I hope these boys get some healing for their hate or else they will wind up either stuck with shame or infecting others or both. I just don’t understand why this community is willing to keep passing Chronic Hate on to new generations. We wouldn’t tolerate that if it were herpes! I fear this community will be like a Toxic Hate colony one day — like the Lepers! — if we don’t address our community’s gross plague of Chronic and Toxic Hate, we will just be a cesspool of Hate infection. Gross.”

Yes, Gross. Our best wishes for deep healing go out to the human who was harmed as well as to the boys with their inflamed Toxic Hate infection and the whole community sadly under-responding to their own suffering. May they all endeavor to heal their Toxic, Chronic and Generational Hate.

(*Community to which quoted members belong is actually solely the community of this writer’s mind. But there are some Texans thinking it, I’m absolutely sure.)



Heather Henry Rawlins

compassion translator, superfan of things like knowing thyself and world peace